7 Reasons You Need a New Wedding Ring

When you said “I do” on that beautifully fateful day, you likely meant it forever.


And not only did you gain a partner in the process, you switched from engagement rings to marriage rings to symbolize the whole love and commitment thing.


Though that piece of jewelry is extremely meaningful to this wonderful decision you made back then – you may, for a variety of reasons, start needing a new one. From a personal evolution of fashion to “just plain lost it,” we’ve got the mens wedding ring to suit your current needs.


And continue wearing that symbol of forever. In the most stylish way possible.


It Doesn’t Fit


ring sizer box on dark background


Hey, we’re not here to finger shame you. Fingers are fickle: they swell when it’s hot outside, they shrink when it’s cold, they might even get thicker based on your salt intake.


And sure, they do sometimes reflect weight gain or weight loss.



While we believe you look good no matter your finger size, your too-loose or too-tight ring might have recently reached “too-irritating.”


The solution? Why, we’ve got dozens of them. But let’s start with this Ring Sizer.


Oh, and maybe a little less salt in your diet.

You Need an Upgrade


Had a glow up since your wedding day?



A lot of people change and grow as they get older. Maybe you’ve become more fashion-focused; maybe you’ve started dressing more sharply. Or maybe now you can afford something a little more refined than what you could back in the day.


Our rings can help balance out that self-improvement kick of yours. They’re classy, stylish, and oh-so-fly. You know, just like you.


You Lost It


What better reason to get a brand new wedding band than … you no longer have one? And great news, we’ve got plenty to choose from. Especially if you’re into tungsten wedding bands.

You Need a Backup


You may be one of those people who doesn’t wear their wedding ring throughout the day. A lot of guys take it off when they work out; many remove it to sleep; some men can’t wear one during work for safety reasons.


Whatever the reason, the more you remove it, the likelier it is to get misplaced.


Sure, it usually turns up eventually (check your pockets!). But in the meantime, get yourself a backup to put on that poor naked ring finger.


Who knows? Maybe the one you get from us will become your new favorite.


You Want Something a Little Flashier Than the OG Wedding Ring


Wood + Rose Gold Ring


Have you ever gussied up for a big night out – suit, tie, those shoes you bought shoe polish for – and thought, maybe, your wedding band doesn’t quite fit the ensemble?


Sure, simple wedding rings are more likely to complement a day-to-day look at, say, the office or grocery shopping. And maybe you’re more of a casual dresser anyway.



But on those special-occasion nights out, where every inch of you is covered in some sort of fancy something – don’t leave your left hand out of the equation. 



Glam it up with, perhaps, a Sierra band: tungsten, wood, and rose gold, anyone? Or go with the grooved + beveled flair of The Colonel. It’s shiny, just like those shoes.


You Want Something a Little Subtler Than the OG Wedding Ring


rose gold tungsten band on dark background


On the other hand (no pun intended): maybe you got a little overzealous when picking out your wedding band. The first day of wearing it was filled with glitz and glam, but maybe once things settled down, you realized its ostentation doesn’t exactly match the rest of your vibe.



Get a ring to tone things down when you’re, you know, at the office or grocery shopping.


We’ve got plenty of simpler alternatives; try an unassuming black like The Nitro has to offer. 



Or keep it basic-but-classy with something like The Boss (for rose gold lovers) or The Classic: silver, chic, and totally straightforward.


You Need Something That’ll Look Good on Zoom Calls


man sitting at desk with slippers and a blazer


Hey, sometimes you need to flash a little ring during that work call. We can’t blame you.


We CAN, however, offer up a few suggestions.


As always, if you have any questions just ask, that’s what we’re here for. You can email us at info@foxtrotbands.com or fill out our  contact us form and someone on our team will be in touch within 24 hours.


We’ll make sure you receive the perfect size and top-notch customer service we pride ourselves on.


We look forward to earning your business and hope that these reasons to for a new wedding band were at least slightly more convincing than Pinocchios motivational speech. Now get back to your scheduled guys night, you're only allowed one a month.